Without trying to be a one-stop resource for the CCNA exam, the CCNA Video Mentor offers a terrific compliment to your other study materials or courseware. You will get to use new examples and approach different problems that will help reinforce the most important topics on the exam. At $55, this is an excellent product that I highly recommend.
- Great visual learning tool
- Supplements other self-study products
- Good voice-over instruction
- Covers and reinforces key concepts
- None
- 2 Hours and 12 Lessons
- Includes router and switch command entry and output.
- A printed lab book is attached and a .pdf of the same is included. The book is helpful in following along with the video.
- Uses diagrams and animations throughout.
Guide Review - CCNA Video Mentor from Cisco Press
I have reviewed quite a few certification products, all touting that they are the latest and greatest way to prepare for exams and I honestly hate writing a bad review, so its a relief to get a product as good as the CCNA Video Mentor (CVM). Video instruction often comes off as clumsy and dull. This one does not. The instructor, Wendell Odom's, has a pleasant voice (it may sound trivial, but we are talking about two hours here) and he is engaging and easy to follow. The introduction to the video offers great tips on how to best use the CVM and accompanying documentation as well as how to follow the videos, which is important when trying to figure out when and where routers are being switched.
It is clearly stated that the product is not intended to be a sole resource for the CCNA exam (640-801). The instruction focus on key topics on the exam. These include routers, which make up a full 1/2 of the labs, LAN switching, WAN, and Security. All of the information, from the basics on up are presented with clarity and just the right amount of detail. Each topic follows the chapters in Cisco Press' CCNA Official Exam Certification Library (2nd Edition), although the nature of the examples allows you to use the CVM regardless of which other books or courses you are using.
source :http://certification.about.com