Friday, May 15, 2009


Five Things to Know About CCNA ICND Exam:

1. CCNA ICND is comprehensive

The Cisco CCNA ICND exam covers a large variety of topics from basic TCP/IP knowledge to routing protocols and spanning trees. In other words, it’s a tough exam because it covers so much. It is important that you do well on the ICND because most of it serves as the basis for all other Cisco CCNA track exams, and so it is important that you respect the breadth of information that this test covers.

2. CCNA ICND is practical

The ICND exam is not the kind of test where only “book smarts” will come into play. Simply put, you need to be able to use the information you learn and apply it to a real-world network troubleshooting issue. For example: knowing that IP is an unreliable service is one thing – solving a communications error between two nodes over IP is quite another.

3. ICND is short

Think you can handle 45-60 questions in 75-90 minutes? You better be able to in order to excel on the ICND test, which tests candidates rapidly in their knowledge on all things Cisco networking. Pacing and speed are both major issues in the test as is appropriate test preparation. At the same time, the CCNA ICND exam covers many real-world situations, which are may be complex to understand without adequate time.

4. ICND is marketable

Passing the Cisco CCNA ICND exam doesn’t just open up the CCNA path to candidates. It also allows you to market yourself as a true networking expert with more knowledge and skill than your non-certified peers, allowing you to really stretch out your skills and your opportunities.

5. CCNA ICND Exam covers

* LAN Setup
* Wireless
* Networking devices
* Network hardware
* Access control
and other netwokring topics. ICND1 and ICND2 exam topic list is available from

source :

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